Contains each validated block in the chain. block_timestamp is only available in this table, so you need to do an inner join on block_height to get block_timestamp to the other tables.
Contains all messages and their payloads. It is partitioned by ingestions_timestamp and clustered by message_type. The message column contains the message body in a json object so you will need to use the different BigQuery json functions to extract the values.
Contains all events and their corresponding attributes partitioned by tx_id. Events and their corresponding event_index are relative to the parent transaction , not the message. Events are identified by the event_type column and attributes by the attribute_key. Events are linked to transactions via column tx_id.
Contains all events and their corresponding attributes partitioned by message_index. Events and their corresponding event_index are relative to the parent message_index which is relative to the tx_id. Events are identified by the event_type column and attributes by the attribute_key. Events are linked to transactions via column tx_id.
Contains relevant data associated with a transaction.