Generic Endpoints
This is a list of generic endpoints supported in more than one chain. Currently, limited # of chains are supported for each endpoint. Check the description for details.
Get all transactions involving an address
Returns historical transactions and their events involving a specific address. Currently returns the latest 10 since the payload with events is quite large. Reach to [email protected] out for changes needed.
❗️Chains supported: Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, Umee, Stride, Evmos, Juno, Stargaze
Path Parameters
Name of the chain
Wallet address
Query Parameters
Next X transactions
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Get the latest Block
A more efficient version of the standard Tendermint RPC endpoints /blocks/latest
Chains supported: Osmosis, Cosmos Hub, Evmos, Juno, Stargaze, Injective, Stride, Terra 2, Quasar, Mars, Neutron, Umee.
Last updated