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Raw Tables

This table provides a comprehensive view of block events from the Cosmos ecosystem, offering insights into the blockchain's activity over time. It includes essential metadata to contextualize each event.

Column NameTypeDescription
block_heightINTEGERThe height of the block within the blockchain at the time of the event.
block_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the block was committed to the blockchain.
event_indexINTEGERThe index of the event within the block.
event_typeSTRINGThe type of event that occurred.
event_attributesJSONAdditional attributes related to the event.
sourceSTRINGThe source of the block event data.
ingestion_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the event data was ingested into the system.
schema_versionINTEGERThe version of the schema used to capture the event data.

Parsed Tables

This table provides a snapshot of the total value locked (TVL) in the Celestia network, showcasing the tokenized assets and their respective USD values across the Cosmos ecosystem.

Column NameTypeDescription
dateTIMESTAMPDate of the snapshot when the TVL was recorded.
token_denomSTRINGDenomination of the token that represents the asset locked in the Celestia network.
token_amountFLOATTotal amount of the token locked in the Celestia network.
amount_usdFLOATThe total value of the token amount in USD, providing a real-world perspective on the asset's value.