Raw Tables
This table contains a comprehensive list of transactions related to liquidity pool actions within the Cosmos ecosystem, providing insights into the flow of assets and the dynamics of liquidity provision.
Column Name | Type | Description |
tx_id | STRING | Unique identifier for the transaction. |
sender | STRING | Address of the sender performing the liquidity pool action. |
pool_id | STRING | Identifier for the liquidity pool involved in the transaction. |
block_timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the transaction was included in a block within the Cosmos blockchain. |
type | STRING | Type of liquidity pool action, such as deposit or withdraw. |
raw_tokens | STRING | Total amount of tokens involved in the transaction, without converting them to base assets. |
base_asset | STRING | Base asset of the transaction, often a stablecoin or a widely traded cryptocurrency. |
base_amount | BIGNUMERIC | Amount of the base asset involved in the transaction. |
base_amount_usd | FLOAT | Amount of the base asset involved in the transaction, converted to US dollars. |
base_price | FLOAT | Current market price of the base asset. |
asset | STRING | Asset involved in the transaction, which can be a cryptocurrency or a token. |
asset_amount_usd | FLOAT | Amount of the asset involved in the transaction, converted to US dollars. |
asset_price | FLOAT | Current market price of the asset. |