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Raw Tables

This table contains a history of LP transactions on the Cosmos ecosystem, providing insights into the token flows and prices on the network. The data is sourced from blockchain events.

Column NameTypeDescription
tx_idSTRINGUnique identifier of the transaction.
senderSTRINGWallet address that initiated the transaction.
pool_idSTRINGIdentifier of the liquidity pool involved in the transaction.
block_timestampTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the transaction was included in a block.
typeSTRINGType of transaction (e.g. swap, deposit, withdrawal).
raw_tokensSTRINGRaw amount of tokens involved in the transaction.
base_assetSTRINGBase asset of the transaction (e.g. token, native coin).
base_amountBIGNUMERICBase amount of the asset involved in the transaction.
base_amount_usdFLOATBase amount of the asset in USD.
base_priceFLOATPrice of the base asset at the time of the transaction.
assetSTRINGAsset that was swapped or transferred.
asset_amount_usdFLOATAmount of the asset in USD.
asset_priceFLOATPrice of the asset at the time of the transaction.