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Interchain Foundation

This page presents the available tables for Interchain Foundation.

Parsed Tables

This table provides a registry of Cosmos ecosystem blockchain chains, including their status and network type. The data is used to track and monitor the current state of various Cosmos-based blockchains.

Column NameTypeDescription
chain_nameSTRINGThe name of the blockchain chain.
chain_idSTRINGA unique identifier for the blockchain chain.
statusSTRINGThe current status of the blockchain chain, such as active or inactive.
network_typeSTRINGThe type of network used by the blockchain chain, such as Tendermint or Cosmos-SDK.
bech32_prefixSTRINGThe Bech32 prefix used by the blockchain chain for addressing and transactions.
github_repoSTRINGThe GitHub repository URL associated with the blockchain chain.
last_refreshTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the data was last updated or refreshed.
ingestion_dateTIMESTAMPThe date and time when the data was ingested into the database.