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This page presents the available tables for dydx.

Raw Tables

This table contains block events from the Cosmos ecosystem, providing a record of all changes and transactions that occur on the blockchain. The data is organized by block height and timestamp for easy analysis and tracking.

Column NameTypeDescription
block_heightINTEGERThe height of the block in the blockchain, indicating its position in the chain.
block_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp of the block, representing the time at which the block was mined.
event_indexINTEGERA unique index for each event within a block, allowing for tracking of specific events.
event_typeSTRINGThe type of event that occurred, categorizing the action or transaction.
event_attributesJSONAdditional attributes related to the event, providing more context and information.
sourceSTRINGThe source of the block event, indicating the specific blockchain or node that reported the event.
ingestion_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp at which the block event was ingested into the database, representing the time of data collection.
schema_versionINTEGERThe version of the schema used to define the structure of the block event data.

Parsed Tables

This table provides an auxiliary accounting view for DYDX, offering insights into its activity within the Cosmos ecosystem. It displays key metrics such as labels, categories, and amounts of transactions.

Column NameTypeDescription
labelsTIMESTAMPUnique identifier or label associated with each transaction or activity.
categorySTRINGCategory or type of transaction or activity (e.g., transfer, swap, etc.).
amountFLOATAmount involved in each transaction or activity, represented in the native cryptocurrency of the Cosmos ecosystem (e.g., ATOM).