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This page presents the available tables for Celestia.

Raw Tables

Column NameTypeDescription

Parsed Tables

This table provides a snapshot of account balances in the Cosmos ecosystem, including liquid and staking balances, as well as unclaimed and claimed rewards in various denominations. It offers a comprehensive view of account financials on the Cosmos blockchain.

Column NameTypeDescription
block_heightINTEGERThe height of the block in which the account balance was recorded.
block_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp of the block in which the account balance was recorded.
addressSTRINGThe address of the account for which the balance was recorded.
liquid_balanceFLOATThe liquid balance of the account in the native cryptocurrency.
staking_balanceFLOATThe staking balance of the account in the native cryptocurrency.
unclaimed_rewardsFLOATThe unclaimed rewards of the account in the native cryptocurrency.
claimed_rewardsFLOATThe claimed rewards of the account in the native cryptocurrency.
liquid_balance_usdcFLOATThe liquid balance of the account in USDC, denominated in the native cryptocurrency.
staking_balance_usdcFLOATThe staking balance of the account in USDC, denominated in the native cryptocurrency.
unclaimed_rewards_usdcFLOATThe unclaimed rewards of the account in USDC, denominated in the native cryptocurrency.
claimed_rewards_usdcFLOATThe claimed rewards of the account in USDC, denominated in the native cryptocurrency.