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This page presents the available tables for Akash.

Raw Tables

This table provides a detailed record of all events that occurred on the Cosmos blockchain, including block height, timestamp, and event type. It offers a comprehensive view of the blockchain's activity and evolution.

Column NameTypeDescription
block_heightINTEGERThe height of the block in the blockchain, uniquely identifying each block.
block_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the block was created on the blockchain.
event_indexINTEGERThe index of the event within the block.
event_typeSTRINGThe type of event that occurred, which can be used to categorize and analyze the data.
event_attributesJSONAdditional attributes related to the event, providing more context and information.
sourceSTRINGThe source of the data, indicating which blockchain or node provided the information.
ingestion_timestampTIMESTAMPThe timestamp when the data was ingested into the system.